1. This office announces the vacancy of two (2) Teacher II (Senior High School – TVL) positions vacated due to the resignation of Ms. Chona Jane F. Rubio and Mr. Charles Louie M. Siplao.
2. The CSC-approved Qualification Standards and Job Description are as follows:
Position | Education | Experience | Training | Eligibility |
Teacher II (Senior High School – TVL) | Bachelor’s degree; or completion of technical-vocational course(s) in the area of specialization | 6 months of relevant teaching or 6 months of industry work experience | At least NC*II + TMC**I *Appropriate to the specialization **Trainer’s Methodology Certificate | RA1080 (Teacher) |
Job Description | Implementation of Secondary Education(SHS) |
3. Pursuant to CSC Memorandum Circular No. 24, s. 2016 re: Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME – HRM) which requires the institutionalization of the Equal Opportunity Principle (EOP) in all areas of human resource, all interested and qualified applicants to the position regardless of age, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, political affiliation, religion, economic and social status and physical disability are enjoined to apply for the position.
Applicants are required to access this link https://depedkidapawancity.net/site/index.php/2022/01/25/
online- applicants-registration/ for the online registration.