1. Opening of Bids for the Supply and Delivery of Printing Materials for Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) (Small Value Procurement) (ABC: PHP 127,959.00);

2. Opening of Bids for the Food, Venue and Accommodation for the conduct of Enhancement on the Multi-Hazard Contingency Planning (District Level Writeshop for DRRM Coordinators and Alternate DRRM TWG) (Small Value Procurement) (ABC: PHP 166,000.00);

3. Opening of Bids for the Food, Venue and Accommodation for the Division Strategic Planning for Learning and Development Accreditation Processes (Small Value Procurement) (ABC: Php98,000.00);

4. Opening of Bids for the Food and Venue for the conduct of Honor Awards Program: Division Awarding of 2023 Outstanding Teaching and Non-Teaching Employees (Small Value Procurement) (ABC: Php51,000.00);