BID OPPORTUNITIES – (06/03/2024)

1. Pre-bid Conference for the Supply and Delivery of Nutritious Food Products for the Implementation of School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) for SY 2024-2025 – Enhanced Nutribun (ABC: Php5,088,160.00) – Public Bidding; 2. Pre-bid Conference for the Supply and Delivery of Nutritious Food Products for the Implementation of School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) for SY 2024-2025 – continue reading : BID OPPORTUNITIES – (06/03/2024)

BID OPPORTUNITIES – (05/22/2024)

1. Opening of Bids for the Supply and Delivery of Supplies for the conduct of Division Rollout of Instructional Leadership Training (ILT), Strengthening Learning Conditions for Early Literacy (ABC: Php79,405.00) – Small Value Procurement; 2. Opening of Bids for the Van Rental for the conduct of Division Rollout of Instructional Leadership Training (ILT), Strengthening Learning continue reading : BID OPPORTUNITIES – (05/22/2024)

BID OPPORTUNITIES – (05/14/2024)

1. Opening of Bids for the Supply and Delivery of Freezers for School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) for Milk Implementation (ABC: Php183,000.00) – Small Value Procurement; 2. Opening of Bids for the Food and Venue for the conduct of Quality Assurance and Finalization of MADRASAH Education Program Locally Developed Story Book and Big Book (ABC: Php57,600.00) continue reading : BID OPPORTUNITIES – (05/14/2024)